Sunday, March 9, 2014

Firing it Back Up

I can't believe it's been more than two years since I last wrote.  Writing for me is like breathing...I can assure you I have been writing, I just haven't been sharing!

After many friends encouraging me and asking when I might start again, I decided today was a good a day as any.

This year, my word for myself and my family has been ACTION.  And I suppose that really is it...don't talk about it, don't plan it, don't set up fifteen meetings about it...just DO whatever it is.

I started this blog back in our adoption adventure because I truly could not believe the journey we were on.  Now two years later I find every day is an adventure.  That's really the way we should look at life.  Overstimulation is such a symptom of our lives these days.  I need the next big thing because life is, well, you know, boring!

Not so.  Every day needs to be seen as the Great Adventure it is.

Two years ago, you would have seen entries on world traveling - flights, language, food, excitement!  Today?  You will see entries on real life.  School, work, commuter joys, meltdowns and celebrations.  And I'm so grateful this is the adventure we are on.

Random musings for today?

We have our own little corner of the universe and I love it.
The world really isn't so big...and yes, we should care about what is happening in all of it.
A 10-year old is capable of asking the same question so many times it can make a grown woman (or man) think they have totally lost their mind.
Our daughters laugh...a lot...and it really is delightful and maddening at the same time.  Walks take much longer with them but they are MUCH more fun.
A certain brown-eyed boy has the ability to make me pinch myself and my heart skip a beat sometimes to wonder if we really have been so blessed by him really, truly, really being here to love in person.
A certain tall blond boy has the ability to make me cry just by reminding me he's about to go to he hasn't always been this big and yes, my heart is still all wound up in his.
Everything really is ok once mom calls.

No time to write more...that little 10 year old with big blue eyes?  He's asked me about five times already if we're all done and ready for toothbrushing.  Yes, son...on my way!


  1. Beautiful, Shelley!!! I have missed your writing....look forward to more :)

  2. you are a great mentor to the adoptive families
